Refer to part 1 a few entries back if you’re lost.

Here’s a few more thoughts about why we operate the way we do with evolutionary psychology.

Q: Why do girls forgive guys for cheating more than guys forgive girls? Of course, women are more mature, right?
A: When a woman conceives, she knows for certain that 50% of her genes are going into her baby, so her lineage will be continued.  A guy has no such insurance. Imagine the horror of being deceived into raising someone else’s kid. When women cheat, we’re done with them. It’s a risk we can’t take (I know we have genetic testing now. Think of it in context of the speed of evolution, you know, why we’re still born with foreskin and an appendix).

Q: Then why do women care if men cheat? Either way they’re getting 50% of the baby’s genes, right?
A: A man tends to divide his resources among his different kids, because they are all biologically “him” and thus all deserve an equal chance at living and passing on their genes. Thus if a man goes off and bangs some other woman, he might divert resources to the mistress and not the wife. This hurts the wife’s child’s chance of surviving.

Q: What’s with the licking of genitalia?
A: It’s the easiest way to tell if someone is healthy and faithful. When someone’s wrong, you can tell.

Q: How does homosexual activity factor into evolution?
A: Of course, a pure homosexual cannot reproduce, so that’s out of the equation. A bisexual, however, tends to be more sexually open. They have more partners, and they become sexually competent at a younger age (which means more fertile years). I forgot the exact numbers, but a bisexual loses their virginity 3 years sooner than a heterosexual. Of course, the more years of banging and the more partners to bang also lead to more disease. This, in addition to discrimination, keeps the homosexual population in check. They increase due to the evolutionary advantage, and then decrease due to a horizontal asymptote imposed by their own sickness. So in a way, it’s kinda like sickle cell anemia. If you trace your lineage 5 generations, you’ll probably find someone who engaged in a lot of homosexual activity.

Q: How has the history of rape affected mankind?
A: Objectively speaking, rape is an acceptable reproduction strategy. A select few in a given population are unable to find a mate by traditional means, so they use another method that works. It does, however, tend to piss people off (kinda like the douchebag who puts his army in Australia to collect the 2 armies a turn). It works because the woman’s body is more likely to ovulate when the sperm is unrecognized. The downside is that societies tend to form mobs to track and kill rapists. The animals that are afraid of this join raping parties, where they go out and rape with their buddies (common in birds). The first one to get his turn has a slight advantage in the sperm war.
It is also worth noting that several species of animals will not ovulate UNLESS THEY ARE SPECIFICALLY under attack. So, all of them have rapist blood in them.
Finally, a man who has “gone too far” and not stopped when she said “no” has 3 times higher chance of her staying with him in a relationship if he actually completes the task. If he misses too many times and shoots out of over-excitement, he’s screwed.

Q: Condoms – Does the guy’s sperm know that it’s getting screwed?
A:  I want to say yes and no. He tends to secrete 10% less sperm when there’s a condom. Why not 100% less? Beats me. Maybe our bodies are still adjusting to this amazing phenomenon of a condom.

Q: How is the guy/girl ratio done?
A: Ok, you know it’s not 50-50.  It actually depends on the social and financial situation of the father. Sounds crazy, no? I kept this for the end because I imagined a lot of readers would walk off here. Bear with me.
An analysis of the most successful families in America, like Presidential families and rich Rockefeller types, shows that the guy:girl ratio is 3:2. That’s nowhere near 50-50, or the 53-47 they told me. Think about this…
When a girl is ugly/fat/poor, someone will still go for her (guilty as charged under cases of depression). Someone will fuck her, no matter how bad she is. Having a woman is a safe bet. On the other side of that, there is a limit to how many kids a woman can have in her lifetime, since she has to carry them in her body.
On the other hand, a son is a risk. He could be James Bond, banging a different hot chick every night. He can be like a king/emperor of the ancient world, with 800 or so biological kids. Or he can be a fat, awkward WoW addict with acne and nerd rage. No one will fuck this guy, not even the ugly/fat/poor girl. So having a son is a bigger risk with a potentially bigger payback.
That’s why the most influential families have more sons than daughters and why every low income family living in apartments that I managed had 80% girls.

I might write a third chapter later. Maybe. Until then, may you spread your seed and ensure your biological immortality.